As you have done to others, so it will be done to you—and with even greater severity. This is the theme behind the heavenly vision and prophecies documented in this book specifically concerning Edom’s transgressions against God’s laws, and against his close relative Israel.
The bad blood between Edom and Israel, beginning with brothers Jacob and Esau, has evolved and increased over the centuries erupting in epic betrayals, underhanded deceptions, and outright sellouts. Pride, ignorance, and injustice all play a role in Edom’s ultimate destruction and demise leaving Israel with the last laugh.
Believed to have been written by the minor prophet Obadiah, considered to be a minor prophet due to the shortness of his book, sometime after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., this book delivers a precise and unapologetic prophecy against Edom, a message of hope and deliverance for Israel, and a prophecy concerning the forthcoming Day of the LORD.
A completely revitalized version of the Holy Bible in plain English, the Regeneration Translation has been carefully updated to modernize archaic numerology, words, and phrases, while maintaining the original character and integrity of earlier translations.
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